Report: A Case of Benign Neglect

Jul 5, 2019 | Reports & Papers

The UN Environment Programme Report: “A case of benign neglect: Knowledge gaps about sustainability in pastoralism and rangelands“, which we have contributed to, directly responds to one of the UN resolutions which acknowledges the dearth of information on pastoralism and rangelands.

Accordingly, this report is a gap analysis of environmental and socioeconomic information and the provision of technical support for promoting pastoralism and rangelands.

Identifying a significant knowledge gap at global level, the report’s global and national levels recommendations are to:

– Conduct an intergovernmental, integrated global assessment
– Enhance the availability and quality of existing information
– Broaden the understanding of pastoralism and the value of rangelands
– Conduct a detailed assessment of the provision of technical support to pastoralists
– Involve pastoralists in all assessments and information gathering

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Mobile Pastoralism and Nature (Day 4)

Mobile Pastoralism and Nature (Day 4)

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